Park on the right bank of the river Clarià
Ontinyent, Valencia
A space on the edge of the river susceptible to periodic flooding with torrential floods, the site resulted from the demolition of the historic Paduana textile factory, with different levels and accumulation of rubbles that is difficult to remove, located at a level much lower than that of the urban fabric.
This is the starting point of a project that aims to articulate the city with the natural space of the river and the associated itineraries and assets of interest.
Architecture: Mª Rosario Calatayud, J.Rafael Mira, Silvia Párraga, Ana Sanchis.
Execution Direction: A Plom
Promoter: Ajuntament d'Ontinyent
Builder: Intagua Public Works, slu.
Photographs: Vicent Caparrós.
- Exposición y catálogo Arquitectura Reciente Valencia 2017-18-19, edited by Colegio Territorial de Arquitectos de Valencia.
-Published in PS paisea #17_Public Space in the Valencian Community. Spain.